and transforming
Mentor-coaching, committed communities and engaging seminars to create your desired future
Photo by Corinne Welp
Engaging Seminars & Book Studies

Nostos, which means “Welcome home warrior” or “Warrior, come home,” is a life-changing series of 10 lessons that have been carefully crafted to show the way home, having dreams fulfilled!
Each class is filled with rich stories and exercises, all designed to engage participants in active learning.
Dr. Margaret Pinder
transformational leader, educator, mentor, coach
DR. MARGARET PINDER LLC offers multiple programs for persons, organizations, and/or communities. Typical audiences include those who are addressing a life altering transition. Whether underlying dynamics are quite painful or deeply compelling, both hold tremendous capacity for transformation. Dr. Pinder works to prepare people to navigate the transitions in ways that support their authenticity and infinite potentialities.
Founder and CEO, Margaret Pinder, brings over 50 years of interdisciplinary leadership, serving in multiple roles of service and influence. Formal credentials include two degrees in nursing and nursing education, a doctorate in education with a concentration in aging, and certification as a Dream builder coach from The Brave Thinking Institute. Professional experiences have taken Margaret near and far, impacting thousands of people and systems. A sampling of Margaret’s roles have included Director of Clinical Services for Long Term Care, Professor of Counseling and Human Behavior and Development, Private counseling and consulting practice for over 30 years, Program development and delivery of multiple professional and lay workshops, Consultant for governmental organizations including the Department of Defense, Administrative positions at multiple universities, Author or Co-Author of multiple articles and of three books; 31 Days to Healthy Sexual Relationships, Sexual Ethics in the Workplace, and Nostos Seminars Participants Manual and companion Nostos Seminars Co-Facilitators Manual, Speaker at local, state, or national meetings.
Margaret is available for programs listed on this website. A number of programs are co-facilitated with colleagues. To initiate dialogue with Margaret to explore programs or services, please contact us here or call 972-742-4857.
Programs or services are NOT therapy or counseling. Nor do they seek to diagnose or treat any specific health related condition. They are educational in nature, built upon principles and practices of sound learning and social change.

Fulfill your unique life vision/purpose and satisfy the longings of your heart!
THIRTY-ONE DAYS Has Aged Like Fine Wine.
Now, in 2024, we are diligently at work crafting a new release with a new name. We think you will like it, a lot! It comes packed with wisdom from the ages across all cultures, generations, genders, and personal preferences.
We’re making sure:
that it satisfies not only your hunger for deep, penetrating truths.
that it awakens your appreciation for the never-ending dance between Spirit and Human Form. And,
that this marriage between that which is Spirit and yet human is truly good for each partner and for all that are impacted by the sacred union of two into one.
We present our inherent sexuality as both transcendent and yet inherent in each of us. Further, we offer the notion that by developing our full sexual potential we become more truthful/authentic, beautiful/creative, and good/loving and wise expressions of our tremendous power.
Watch this space, contact us, or email us at drmargaretpinder.com/contact to be alerted upon the release of our new book.

Beyond Thirty-One Days
Following the release of “Thirty-One Days”, we realized that we had a lot more to say about our sacred sexuality. So, we are co-writing a new book that looks at how our sexual energy is actually one of multiple energies that comprise our whole humanity which, at the core is sacred energy.
If things flow as we’d like the release of this second book will be early 2025. We’re mid-way through the writing now in September 2024.
By the way, you are invited to contact us with any questions, comments, or ideas for inclusion or consideration in the new book. Simply connect here at my website or contact us individually.
We look forward to all the learning will come as we take our learning further down the road to our full return home (Nostos realized).